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Reflections from the Women of Vera Creative

Vera Creative Team


Can you tell us about your professional journey and what inspired you to pursue your career?


I have always loved seeing ideas come to life. I remember as a kid, I had the Etch A Sketch Animator, where you could create images and animated them. I think it was always in me to create. As CEO of a full-service creative agency, there is no limit to what we can imagine and create.


I really honed my skills during the pandemic when I re-enrolled in college. I had dabbled in graphic design as a kid and wanted to see how far I could take it as a career. It turns out that this interest is something I'm meant to pursue.I've always had a passion for sociology and creating, whether it be in art, music, or design. Design is where all my passions converge. As a graphic designer, you have this magical opportunity to shape the visual culture around you. To have this chance, as a woman of color, to create and take up space—that's everything.


I discovered what I wanted to pursue, not solely through college, but after landing my first job. What inspired me to pursue marketing was my love of being creative and strategic. It was the perfect opportunity to be a creative problem solver.


I believe my faith influenced my heart to help people, and, ultimately, my profession. Growing up my church’s mission statement was ‘By serving the people, we serve the Lord.’ Growing up with a mom who owned a business, she encouraged me to dream big, and I can achieve big. So, I pursued a degree in social work with the desire to one day open my own nonprofit. I now have a Master's Degree in Social Work and initially started working for Vera’s Outreach team, The Core. I enjoyed working with The Core because I was able to bring resources directly to the people of the community. Through Vera, I have also been able to work with La Collective, a nonprofit organization created to empower the next generation of women leaders. I believe I am currently gaining the tools and experience necessary to one day open my own nonprofit.   


My sophomore year of college I received an internship at a non-profit called New Moms, Inc. The experience changed my life and shifted my perspective on serving people in my community. 5 months into my internship I declared a dual major in Business & Nonprofit Management. I knew then that I wanted to be a catalyst for change in the business and non-profit space to make a difference in how people are seen, spoken to, and cared for in our communities through marketing. 


I originally went to college for web design, but soon after, I realized how competitive the industry was. Getting a foot in the door was hard, so I worked in sales for several years. I had a knack for people, and sales came naturally to me. During that time, I learned a lot about what motivates people. My interest in marketing grew out of the intersection of my talent for sales and my passion for design. My career grew from my eagerness to take every opportunity to grow my skills and the long-lasting professional connections I made.

If you could give one piece of advice to women just starting out in their career, what would it be?


Don't limit yourself. It is possible to be good at many things. Try things out and see where your passions are. 


Trust in your own skills and unique perspective. Embrace challenges as they come. They will become stepping stones in your journey of growth. Seek out mentors who have walked the path you're on to offer guidance and knowledge. 


Take the opportunity, even if you don’t feel like you’re ready. If you want to grow, you have to plant the seed. Embrace opportunities, learn as you go, and experience will come naturally.


For women starting their careers, my advice is to find someone who inspires you as a mentor or role model. Use their journey to empower yourself and set your goals. And when you're in doubt, just remember that we have all the resources we need at our fingertips. So never hesitate to ask questions (or google them!) and stay open to all possibilities.


Everyone starts somewhere! What truly matters is having a hunger to learn and grow. Do not wait for opportunities to fall on your lap. Go out and seize them proactively. Never underestimate yourself; your potential exceeds your perception. You're more knowledgeable and capable than you might realize.

Are there any women in your industry or personal life who have inspired or influenced you? If so, how?


My mom has been a huge influence in my life. She is an artist, musician, mom of seven, had a full-time job, and raised seven kids. And she did it all with grace. She always remains consistent with her faith and taught me to find my strength in God. She's the best. She has been my greatest cheerleader every step of the way.  


Throughout my life, I have been inspired by my best friends Shanila and Julia. They embrace challenges head-on, seize opportunities, and constantly step outside of their comfort zone. They have indirectly and directly helped me develop my confidence by not being afraid to bet on myself because, at the end of the day, I can only win or learn.


My mom is a huge inspiration in my life. I have always admired her resilience, dedication, and creativity. As a single mom of three girls, she had to overcome many different challenges, but she always made sure my sisters and I were covered. I’ve seen her rise in both her career and her relationship with God, and it fills me with so much pride and admiration. I love how her faith impacts her professional life. 

As a woman, have you encountered any specific challenges or barriers in your profession? How have you overcome them?


I have often been underestimated, overlooked, and counted out. The best way to overcome people's misconceptions of you is to remain consistent with who you are. If you stay true to who you are and remain consistent, you will be the right fit for the right project or the right job.

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