Over 1,000 Scholarships and Counting

Since 2021, Vera Creative has led all marketing, strategic communications, and outreach for the Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship (CELWS).


Scholarships Awarded


Impressions On Social


Engagements On Social


Emails Opened


Email Clicks


Engagements on Website

Empowering Early Childhood Educators

Vera Creative has been the strategic and creative force behind all Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship promotions since 2021.

The scholarship covers 100% of tuition and other costs for Chicago residents seeking a degree or certificate in early childhood education (ECE). Since 2021, we have helped the program serve 1,050+ Chicagoans as they pursue initial or further education in the ECE workforce.

Our annual marketing campaign consistently breaks records year-over-year. We achieve this by leveraging social media, email marketing, video production, and print materials to generate heightened interest from qualified applicants and surpass application quotas each season.

We have met potential candidates at a variety of touchpoints, garnering nearly half a million impressions on social media, over 100,000 engagements on the program’s website, and more than 400 new email list subscribers. By increasing awareness of this scholarship, we aim to offer growth opportunities for educators that will lead to an even higher quality education for Chicago’s youngest learners.

Project Scope





Video  Production

Brand Strategy & Development

Social Media Marketing

Content Marketing

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Our annual goal is to increase the number of applicants for the Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship.

In 2024, we received 1,050+ applications, the highest number to date.

We accomplished this by using our content to inform potential applicants about scholarship pathways and showcase what their careers can look like through testimonials from current and past scholarship recipients. Our integrated marketing efforts included email blasts, an updated website, organic and paid social media, press releases, print materials, and hosting webinars.

Brand & Identity

We designed the Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship brand as a sub-brand of our client, Chicago Early Learning. We enhanced the brand to adopt a more professional tone, moving away from its playful origins to better resonate with an educator audience. The refined brand maintains a vibrant, modern, and visually appealing identity.


Strategic email blasts were sent to over 50,000 existing subscribers in 2024 and we gained an additional 400+ new subscribers on the mailing list.

The email blasts were opened over 170,000 times and clicked on around 8,000 times.

We worked with the Mayor’s office and other local press, including WGN Daytime Chicago and community newspapers to generate buzz.

We conducted a photo and video shoot to capture the stories of current and past students as testimonials and also created print promotional materials.

Social Media

To get the word out about the scholarship on social media, we used a robust social media strategy featuring an intentional mixture of organic and paid content. Our content pillars included informative pieces, reminders, and testimonials. The total number of impressions during the campaign increased by more than 24 times from 2023 to 2024.


Total Impressions in 2024


Total Engagements in 2024


Clicks to the Program’s Website in 2024


The Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship website page serves as a hub for details and resources applicants may need to access. It also contains comprehensive information on the scholarship, eligibility, and how to apply.

We continue to manage the website, which received 11,381 views by 7,124 users during the 2024 application period. The site saw 41,920 engagements during this time frame.

Community Engagement & Outreach

In 2023, we created an Ambassador Toolkit to equip and uplift the communicators who champion this program with the language and tools they need to best endorse the scholarship. This toolkit went out to early childhood champions, university counselors, and elected officials.

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